Green Hotel

Based on picturesque Phuket Island and established by a native family, Katathani Hotel is dedicated to empowering and protecting the local people and the local environment which has enabled the eco-friendly Phuket resort to thrive over nearly three decades.

In cooperation with Katathani’s philanthropic branch Save Phuket Foundation Our sustainable Phuket resort has received numerous international Responsible Tourism awards and certifications regarding environmentalism, safety, and customer service.

Environmental Policy


Katathani voluntarily treats the local community waste water at its treatment plants.


Katathani hosts a professional beach cleaning team who clean Kata Noi Beach twice daily during the rainy season (when sea currents are strongest) and every second day during the high season. We also have daily staff teams who conduct litter patrols throughout the day 365 days per year. In addition, we sponsor regular Big Beach Clean events in which we invite guests, staff, and local community members, including school children, to volunteer in a collective effort to keep Kata Noi Beach pristine.


We've transformed our rooftops into a mini power plant! With a total production capacity of 1,000,000 watts per day, our newly installed solar panels on the hotel and office building roofs are generating clean, renewable energy. This green initiative not only helps us embrace sustainable practices but also saves us up to 4 million Baht in electricity costs annually.


Winner of the Phuket Zero Waste Contest, Katathani hotel recycles at least 80% of all waste, and is constantly in the process of finding new and creative ways to reduce our waste still further. We conduct ongoing training for all of our staff, hold annual sustainability exhibitions for staff and guests, and support fun, creative events (such as our “Recycled Dress Contest”!) for our staff so that we can support each other in achieving a greener hotel, and a greener world.

Turning Food Waste into Fertilizer at Katathani Phuket Beach Resort!We bring innovative biotechnology that transforms food waste into valuable fertilizer, significantly reducing waste, greenhouse gases, and air pollution. Experience the beauty of sustainable living at Katathani Phuket, where every action makes a positive impact.


The Katathani reservoir nearby hotel grounds sustainably eases strain on the severely limited island water supply.


Ko Green is Katathani's organically-produced and bio-degradable soaps created at the resort.


Katathani's used bottle caps from re-usable glass bottles are donated to manufacturers of prosthetic limbs.


At Katathani, we take pride in educating local students regarding island environmental protection through programs such as "Environmental Detectives” . In this yearly project, students work together with Katathani sustainability team leaders to solve environmental case studies related to the beach and the sea. We are particularly proud of our youth-oriented sustainability projects because we know: Children are the Future of Sustainability.


Katathani has saved millions of USD over the years by implementing comprehensive sustainability projects.

A substantial portion of these savings are donated through the Save Phuket Foundation for the restoration and maintenance of local facilities. These savings would not be possible without our dedicated staff’s commitment to our sustainability goals, and so a portion of these savings also goes to support Katathani staff in times of crisis and to encourage ​ and celebrate with them in times of joy, such as birthdays, staff parties, trips and other special functions.

In return for environmental efforts

Initiatives Annual Saving Annual Cost Saving
Reduction of incinerator waste 271,386 Kg. 1,200,000 baht
Recycling 644,259 Kg. 144,221 baht
Organic fertilizer 1,292 Kg. 12,924 baht
Effective Microorganisms 1,200 Kg. 12,000 baht
Biological Cleaning - Ko Green 1,200 liters 27,600 baht
Hot water by solar thermal 571,272 Kw 2,856,360 baht
LED Bulbs in rooms 8,935 bulbs 4,293,989 baht
Energy saving bulbs in the walkways 1,146 bulbs 660,921 baht
Air conditioning Effciency 361 units 5,370,456 baht
Community water recycling and treatment 2,190,000 liters 182,500 baht
Internal water recycling and treatment 40,448,800 liters 3,370,733 baht
Rain water collection 146,901,141 liters 12,241,762 baht
Rooftops Solar Plants 1,000,000 watts per day 3,780,000 baht

Overview Documents

World Soil Day 2019 – “Stop soil erosion, Save our future” Read More